
Diablo immortal reskin of another game
Diablo immortal reskin of another game

diablo immortal reskin of another game

It's a swampy island, whose main town is Port Justinian. The devs then showcased some of Diablo Immortal's outdoor zones. Your allies include Valla the Demon Hunter, her master Josen, Jacob Staalek (he holds Eldruin while Tyrael is “dead”) and Deckard Cain. The main antagonist is Skarn, the Herald of Terror and Diablo's lieutenant, who is trying to resurrect his master. Puris the Decimator, who was available at the BlizzCon demo, is one of the game's bad guys. At the aftermath of the destruction of the Worldstone by Tyrael at the end of Diablo 2, in Diablo Immortal we learn that some corrupted fragments of the Worldstone have survived. Matthew Berger then proceeded to a rundown of the lore and timeline of the Diablo universe, highlighting some major characters. Given the backlash the announcement of Diablo Immortal caused, the panel started with Wyatt Cheng repeating that they love their passionate community and that there are multiple Diablo projects in the works. Wyatt Cheng and Matthew Berger talked about the lore of Diablo Immortal and showcased some of its zones, instanced dungeons and of course its classes.

Diablo immortal reskin of another game