
Download endling demo
Download endling demo

download endling demo

The art style of this game is one of the more striking features that we have access to at the moment. Amalgamating the two to provide an experience where you will have to explore, solve puzzles and fight, but all the while protecting your defenceless little cubs and keeping them alive as you journey across this harsh and unforgiving terrain. Then as for the gameplay, this game aims to marry a conventional 2.5D side scroller with a survival game. This is an interactive way of showing what can happen if we are not careful with our planet. This game promises to tell a story that is touching on a base level but ultimately showcases an eco-conscious message. However, adversity strikes when one of her young is captured and the overarching goal of the game becomes finding and rescuing this young fox. Endling tells the story of a mother fox that has survived the apocalypse and is safeguarding their young in the hope of keeping the species alive in the new world.

Download endling demo